
Dr. Yenn Lee

Researcher & Academic Staff, SOAS

Dr. Yenn Lee is a researcher in the sociology of digital media and social justice, with a special interest in the Asia–Pacific region.

Yenn is a widely published researcher in the sociology of digital media and social justice, with a special interest in the Asia–Pacific region. She currently holds the position of Senior Lecturer in Research Methodology and Deputy Director of the Doctoral School, a home for more than 700 PhD students, at SOAS University of London. She is also an academic member of the Centre of Korean Studies at SOAS.

Her research interests include digitally mediated expressions of political contention in Asia, online harms, especially against social minorities, and digital methods and tools in qualitative and mixed-method research. Through her research, she has also long engaged with various activist and non-profit organisations outside academia, including Freedom House for its annual report Freedom on the Net since its first edition in 2011.